Product Import for VirtueMart - DEMO
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Import from VT Data - CopyPartner

Import products from password-protected data

First, you need to prepare an auxiliary import file for importing from password-protected data. We will place the file in the root of the website. This file can be run manually or linked to cron. The output of the import is a source XML file, which will be used for the actual import of products into the eshop. This import can also be connected to cron.

Auxiliary files used:

  • copypartner_products.php
  • copypartner_images.php
  • copypartner_category.php
  • copypartner_category_products.php

Data import divided into several source files

Sometimes the source data does not contain all the information in one data source. E.g. images, product categories, prices ... are in separate source files. It is possible to prepare several import templates, which are able to import data by successive imports using a pairing element (usually a product SKU).


1. Source data for product imports do not contain a product category. Product categories are in a separate import file.

The first template (products) imports basic information about products and places them in the selected import category created in advance on the e-shop.
The second template (category) imports and creates categories in the eshop as subcategories of the selected import category.
The third template (products_category) assigns the imported categories to the products

2. The source data for import contains one photo. Additional product photos are in a separate import file.

The first template (products) imports basic information about the products, including one image.
The second template (images) imports additional images (max. 10) to already imported products


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