Source: Thermogaz (Greece)
Template URL:
1. images in HTML don't have domain from imported XML -
1. Import element as customfiled type EDITOR (customfiled type X)
a. Go to the Customfields list in VM and create customfiled type Group - Import Thermogatz
b. Remember ID for next use (448)
c. Put right setup for import elements from XML as customfiled in TAB Custom Fields
{Custom Symbols|Custom_symbols||X|0|0|448|on-import}
- Custom Symobols - is the name of CustomFiled after import (will be create automatically by import)
- Custom_symbols - is the name of element in XML import file
- X - type of customfield, creted by import (X - Editor == HTML code)
- 448 - ID of parent's customfield - the new customfield by import will be created as child for this
- on-import - position for imported customfield - can be used as position for show in template
2. Add domain name for all links in HTML code inside customfields after import (the new customfield has ID 451)
a. manually - got to phpmyadmin and use sql command for add domain name
UPDATE `import_minijoomla_org`.`udf89_virtuemart_product_customfields` SET `customfield_value` = REPLACE(`customfield_value`, 'src="/', 'src="') WHERE `virtuemart_custom_id` LIKE '%451%';
b. automatically - create php script and connect to cron, call after every import